The daily golf email newsletter Morning Read has a well-followed “Letters” section that covers a huge range of topics.
Morning Read posted a letter there that references PinShot Golf. Continue reading Morning Read Letter on PinShot Golf
The daily golf email newsletter Morning Read has a well-followed “Letters” section that covers a huge range of topics.
Morning Read posted a letter there that references PinShot Golf. Continue reading Morning Read Letter on PinShot Golf
In a new Business Insider story, Rocco Mediate talks about how to fix golf. He might as well just use the words PinShot Golf. Continue reading Right on, Rocco!
Adams Golf founder Barney Adams recently wrote a story for GolfWrx entitled The Great Opportunity in the Golf Industry. Continue reading Is Barney Adams Describing PinShot Golf?
On Wednesday, May 10th the leaders of the golf industry will come together in St. Augustine, FL for the 2017 National Golf Foundation Symposium. It’s a 1-day program where golf’s business titans review the most recent industry statistics, then speakers offer opinions and ideas on trends for the future and ways to grow the game.
Dear NGF Titans: a solution for future growth exists. It’s a fun, revolutionary concept that ticks all the boxes to resolve golf’s ills, but follows the game’s rules and keeps its core.
Check out Continue reading NGF Golf Business Titans: See the Future
As the USGA takes comments on its proposed changes to the 2019 Rules of Golf, PinShot Golf offers another idea for consideration: a revision to the Handicap System. Continue reading PinShot Golf Proposes USGA Handicap Rules Change
Not everyone has $5 million of investor capital available. But if you love the PinShot Golf concept and want to help us get this project rolling, there is another way you can invest. Continue reading $50 Investors Welcomed
Check here for updates on PinShot Golf as we take on partners, secure properties and build facilities! Plus see ideas for growing the game through a nationwide expansion of our concept.